Garden Beautified by Retaining Wall in Salem

(Interested in a Salem Retaining Wall? Click Here!)

An avid gardener loved growing things. She, along with the help of her husband and kids had built the garden from a few planter boxed to quite a large expanse. She was so great at growing things that the garden was starting to take over her yard. She also loved flowers, and had quite a bit of floral landscaping designed by Cochran Landscape. To show off the fruits of her labor (besides the delicious produce) they decided to build a retaining wall to exhibit the garden and to keep out the increasing number of pests. She contacted the Cochran Landscape team to help her family design a retaining wall, and then build it for them.

The Cochran Landscape design team met with the family to see what type of retaining wall they wanted. The Cochran Landscape team can bring all types of landscaping elements together to create different shapes, lines, and shapes with the retaining wall. The family selected several different types of natural stones, and said they wanted it two feet high. They scheduled us to start on the project on Monday, and our team showed up and started on the wall. By Friday, the retaining wall built, and we featured the garden with the wall. Both parents were overjoyed with the finished look, and the mother said she is planning on adding new plants that will look fabulous in that area. The entire family is glad that they called Cochran Landscape back again to help them with their landscaping. Cochran Landscape is the retaining wall Salem homeowners and avid gardeners can really appreciate.